We are regular contributors to: mysailing.com.au
This is a simplified version of the simulator in our upcoming online radio course. It has the basic functions but the real simulator is alot more sophisticated. We had to write our own AI program to make it work, and often we found we were pushing right to the edge of the capabilities of many modern web browsers.
Below the radio are options to look at an overview of the fucntions. And once the radio is on, you can activate the different radio calls. However, you do have to be on channel 16 to hear the radio call, and you will have to follow the instructions to hear all of it. If you want to try making a broadcast, please click on the button below. On this page, you can interact with a shore station to play knock knock jokes, or you can actually record your own broadcast to see how you sounded.
Routine Call MayDay Call PanPan Call Securite Call
For Radio examples to work, the radio must be on channel 16 or in dual watch, and the DSC status must be inactive.