FastTrack to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

Theory Course

FastTrack to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
Theory Course

Get Instant Access $745aud

Revise and retry until you pass

Plotter & Dividers Included

  • Fully Animated & Interactive Lessons
  • Embedded Chartplotter Simulator
  • Embedded Radar Simulator
  • Embedded VHF Radio Simulator
  • Southern Hemisphere Syllabus
  • Navathome Mobile App
  • Multi Device Support
  • Study At Your Own Pace
  • Proven Pass Rate
  • No Classroom Pressure
  • RYA, MCA, Australian Sailing recognised
  • Post course access
  • 6 Months Initial Access - Extra 6 Months For $60
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Navigate With Confidence, Day & Night

Gain essential skills to navigate coastal waters by day and night. From mastering charts and navigating with precision to understanding tides, position fixing, course calculation, weather forecasting, meteorology and navigation aids, this course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills needed for coastal sailing

Is this course suitable for me?

This course is designed for individuals who have some theory and practical knowledge but no formal tuition. While it is possible for novices to complete the course, it is not recommended. The Day Skipper revision section is self-paced, and the time to complete it depends on your current level of knowledge.

The Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore section of the course takes approximately 50 hours, and it includes the final assessment consisting of three parts: IRPCS (1.5 hours), Chartwork (2 hours), and Passage Making (3.5 hours).

Upon successful completion, this course awards the RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased theory certificate.

"Commercial Endorsements"

For the Australian SailMaster Certificate of Competence, or to become an RYA instructor, there is no requirement for your exam to be invigilated. However, if your plan is to work on a British flagged vessel under the MCA code of practice, we can assist in arranging invigilation with a suitable RYA recognised training centre worldwide.

Not convinced ?

Look at our TrustPilot reviews.

Over 1000 five star reviews

" I found studying both the RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Skipper theory courses online to be a great experience. The content is well presented with clear explanations and useful diagrams. The tests in each section help prepare for the final exams, which draw on all your learnings from the course. Highly recommended."


All courses are completed online, study at your own pace, from anywhere in the world.


FastTrack to RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore

Day Skipper Revision:

  • Revision material for all elements of Day Skipper Theory.
  • No testing or assessment is completed here.

Chart basics:

  • How to use the chart and check chart datum.
  • Checking and making chart corrections.

Compass variation and deviation:

  • Variation and deviation explained using animated drawings and sketches.
  • Solving problems of healing error and dip.

All about tides:

  • Tidal terminology.
  • Using tide tables advanced.
  • Using and working out secondary port information.
  • Using and applying time zones.
  • Tidal stream and the tidal stream atlas.
  • Working with tidal diamonds.
  • Using the computations of rates graph.

Position fixing:

  • Dead reckoning and working up an estimated position taking into account tides and leeway.
  • Techniques for visual fixing.

Course to steer :

  • Plotting a compass course to steer taking into account tides, leeway, time zones and computation of rates.

Electronic aids to navigation:

  • Including the free Navathome radar simulator, use of GPS, chart navigation systems, AIS and much more.

Passage planning:

  • Planning routes, routines and watch systems.
  • Execution and monitoring a passage.

Visual aids to navigation:

  • Buoyage and lights.
  • Leading lines and lights.
  • Distance off by rising and dipping.

Safety at Sea:

  • Essential safety practices and equipment onboard.
  • Handling life rafts, life jackets, and flares.
  • Mayday calls and communication during emergency situations.


Our goal is to assist you by addressing common questions and offering valuable information about our courses and services. If you're unable to find the specific answer you're seeking, we encourage you to reach out to our dedicated team. We are always ready to provide further assistance and support.



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