FastTrack to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
Theory Course
Get Instant Access $745aud
Revise and retry until you pass
Plotter & Dividers Included
- Fully Animated & Interactive Lessons
- Embedded Chartplotter Simulator
- Embedded Radar Simulator
- Embedded VHF Radio Simulator
- Southern Hemisphere Syllabus
- Navathome Mobile App
- Multi Device Support
- Study At Your Own Pace
- Proven Pass Rate
- No Classroom Pressure
- RYA, MCA, Australian Sailing recognised
- Post course access
- 6 Months Initial Access - Extra 6 Months For $60
Navigate With Confidence, Day & Night
Gain essential skills to navigate coastal waters by day and night. From mastering charts and navigating with precision to understanding tides, position fixing, course calculation, weather forecasting, meteorology and navigation aids, this course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills needed for coastal sailing
Is this course suitable for me?
This course is designed for individuals who have some theory and practical knowledge but no formal tuition. While it is possible for novices to complete the course, it is not recommended. The Day Skipper revision section is self-paced, and the time to complete it depends on your current level of knowledge.
The Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Offshore section of the course takes approximately 50 hours, and it includes the final assessment consisting of three parts: IRPCS (1.5 hours), Chartwork (2 hours), and Passage Making (3.5 hours).
Upon successful completion, this course awards the RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased theory certificate.
"Commercial Endorsements"
For the Australian SailMaster Certificate of Competence, or to become an RYA instructor, there is no requirement for your exam to be invigilated. However, if your plan is to work on a British flagged vessel under the MCA code of practice, we can assist in arranging invigilation with a suitable RYA recognised training centre worldwide.
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Look at our TrustPilot reviews.

" I found studying both the RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Skipper theory courses online to be a great experience. The content is well presented with clear explanations and useful diagrams. The tests in each section help prepare for the final exams, which draw on all your learnings from the course. Highly recommended."