Theory Course


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  • Study At Your Own Pace
  • No Classroom Pressure
  • A Must Have for Commercial Endorsement
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Essential For Commercial Use

Each year approximately 4,500 people apply to the RYA for a commercial endorsement in order to use their RYA qualifications professionally as skipper or crew.

The RYA PPR course is a short course designed to provide essential knowledge and understanding of professional practices and responsibilities for individuals working in the maritime industry and is a compulsory requirement for new and revalidating RYA Commercial Endorsement holders.

Is this course right for you?

Whether you are involved in yacht delivery, operating workboats, or managing super yachts, this course emphasises the importance of professionalism and the responsibilities as a seafarer. It highlights the duty of care towards crew, passengers, and other water users, and underscores the accountability that comes with the job.

How To Book?

Once you have ordered the CEVNI Test, Navathome Australia will register you with the RYA and setup your account in RYA Interactive. Once it is all setup, you will receive an email confirming the login details for your course. The login usually is created within an hour of booking but can take up 24 hours depending on the time of the booking, and the availability of the RYA site.


All courses are completed online, study at your own pace, from anywhere in the world.



Introduction to Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR):

  • Understanding the importance of professionalism in the maritime industry.
  • Roles and responsibilities of professional seafarers.

Duty of Care:

  • Recognising the duty of care towards crew, passengers, and other water users.
  • Ensuring safety, security, and well-being onboard.

Legislation and Regulations:

  • Familiarity with relevant maritime laws, regulations, and codes of conduct.
  • Compliance with legal requirements and industry standards.

Environmental Awareness:

  • Understanding environmental responsibilities and best practices.
  • Minimising the impact on marine ecosystems and promoting sustainability.

Emergencies and Incident Management:

  • Be prepared for emergencies and the effective response procedures.
  • Incident reporting and investigation.

Communication and Teamwork:

  • Effective communication techniques onboard.
  • Teamwork skills for a safe and efficient operatio

Professional Development:

  • Continuous learning and personal development in the maritime industry.
  • Training opportunities and career progression.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Upholding ethical principles and maintaining professional integrity.
  • Dealing with conflicts of interest.


Our goal is to assist you by addressing common questions and offering valuable information about our courses and services. If you're unable to find the specific answer you're seeking, we encourage you to reach out to our dedicated team. We are always ready to provide further assistance and support.



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