RYA Day Skipper

Theory Course


Get Instant Access $550aud

No prior knowledge required.

  • Plotter & Dividers Included
  • Fully Animated & Interactive Lessons
  • Embedded Chartplotter Simulator
  • Embedded Radar Simulator
  • Embedded VHF Radio Simulator
  • Southern Hemisphere Syllabus
  • Navathome Mobile App
  • Online Interactive Plotting
  • Multi Device Support
  • Study At Your Own Pace
  • Proven Pass Rate
  • No Classroom Pressure
  • RYA, MCA, Australian Sailing recognised
  • Post course access
  • 6 Months Initial Access - Extra 6 Months For $60
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Navigate With Confidence

Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate safely in familiar waters by day and learn how to apply the collision regulations and recognise lights at night. The comprehensive syllabus covers fundamental seamanship, navigation techniques, understanding tides, collision regulations, electronic navigation tools, weather interpretation, buoyage systems, and crucial safety practices.

Is this course right for me?

The Day Skipper Theory Course is suitable for a wide range of individuals who have an interest in sailing and want to enhance their skills and knowledge. It is perfect for complete beginners, seeking to gain navigational skills, and for seasoned sailors seeking to enhance their knowledge with formal tuition prior to completing the RYA Day Skipper practical course.

Completing the course typically takes around 40 hours of dedicated study. To assess your understanding, there are quizzes and exercises to help you gain a better understanding of each module. A final assessment is completed at the end of the course, consisting of two parts, of approximately 1.5 hours each - which are completed consecutively.

Upon successful completion, this course awards the RYA/MCA Day Skipper Shorebased theory certificate.

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All courses are completed online, study at your own pace, from anywhere in the world.



Nautical Fundamentals:

  • Introduction to seamanship and boat terminology.
  • Essential knots and techniques for berthing alongside.
  • Preparing the boat for sea and basic boating manoeuvres.

Navigation Essentials:

  • Chart reading and understanding depth contours.
  • Plotting courses; considering tidal set and drift.
  • Position fixing using different methods and accounting for tidal factors.

Tidal Streams and Passage Planning:

  • Utilising tidal diamond tables and stream atlases.
  • Plotting courses and estimating position using tidal data.
  • Introduction to short daytime passage planning with waypoints and visual aids.

Tidal Heights and Calculations:

  • Determining tidal heights for safe navigation.
  • Applying tidal height tables and accounting for spring and neap tides.
  • Basic secondary port calculations and time differences.

Collision Regulations and Lights:

  • Understanding collision avoidance rules.
  • Recognising vessel types from their lights.
  • Identifying vessels by day shapes and using appropriate signals.

Electronic Navigation:

  • Practical usage of chart plotters and electronic instruments
  • Incorporating depth and wind data into navigation decisions

Weather and Forecasting:

  • Causes of weather systems and their impact on sailing.
  • Reading and interpreting weather forecasts and charts.
  • Accessing reliable weather information sources.

Buoyage and Navigation Marks:

  • Recognising buoys based on their characteristics.
  • Understanding buoyage systems and their significance.

Safety at Sea:

  • Essential safety practices and equipment onboard.
  • Handling life rafts, life jackets, and flares.
  • Mayday calls and communication during emergency situations.


Our goal is to assist you by addressing common questions and offering valuable information about our courses and services. If you are unable to find the specific answer you're seeking, we encourage you to reach out to our dedicated team. We are always ready to provide further assistance and support.



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