RYA Professional Practices And Responsibilities PPR

Navigate Towards Professional Excellence!

RYA Professional
Practices And Responsibilities PPR

Each year approximately 4,500 people apply to the RYA for a commercial endorsement in order to use their RYA qualifications professionally as skipper or crew.

You could be doing anything from delivering a new 35' yacht or driving a workboat with lifting and towing gear, to running a super yacht in the Med. Whatever your job is on board, in the commercial world you are a professional seafarer. As such, you are no different from the captain of a cruise liner, you have a duty of care to crew, passengers, and other water users, and you will be held to account if things go wrong.

The RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities Course MUST be completed before using RYA qualifications commercially.

The course consists of four modules

Commercial Environment - how you fit into the professional maritime world.

People – the importance of correct manning, keeping your skills up to date and the safe management of commercial vessels.

Vessel – the compulsory carriage and maintenance of safety equipment and how to create and implement risk control and operating procedures.

Purpose – making sure your vessel is suitable and legal for the work you are carrying out, your obligations in protecting the environment, appropriate planning and situational awareness.

It is estimated that users will take around 6 to 8 hours to work through the four course modules. The graded end of course assessment is split into two sections, totaling 2 ½ hours. In practice though, you will probably do this in about half the time.



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