AC (ACo): |
Altered Course. This is a standard short hand format that is commonly used in logbooks to confirm a change in course. |
COG: |
Course over the ground This term describes the ground track or the proposed ground track of a vessel. |
DMG: |
Distance made good. Used to determine the actual distance a vessel has travelled in a straight line when tacking. |
DR: |
Dead reckoning position. A position found using speed, time and a heading or heading and distance run.
Not considered accurate. |
DTW: |
Distance to waypoint. The distance to the next waypoint or destination. |
EP: |
Estimated position of the vessel. Used when a position is worked out from the course, speed and leeway. |
ETA: |
Estimated time of arrival. |
FIX: |
An accurate position of the vessel. |
GT: |
Ground track. A line marked drawn on the chart denoting the proposed or completed course over the ground of a vessel. |
XTE: |
Cross track error. Used to denote how far a vessel has strayed from the plotted ground track |
SOG: |
Speed over the ground. Describes the speed of a vessel over the ground including the effect of tide. |
TMG: |
Track made good. Gives the average course over the ground a vessel has made from the start point it's current position. |
TTG: |
Tme to go. Time to the next waypoint or the destination. |
WP: |
Waypoint. A small box plotted along the proposed course of a vessel. Usually marking a destination or change of course. |